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Splunk for Privileged User Account Monitoring

Understanding what is happening in the network of your organization is a crucial element for substantial safety operations. The organization, whether a trustworthy insider, third party vendor, automatic customer, or external intruder, must have clear insight here to access critical systems or data. The best way to adopt secure methodologies within your business is to track and record these activities.


Nowadays, attackers alarmingly access the company’s resources, sensitive information, and sensitive data via privileged user credentials. Privileged user accounts are regarded with high privileges; for instance, users with domain root privileges or administrator rights.

Valuable privileged user monitoring (PUM) aids an organization in safeguarding sensitive information, minimizing all external and internal threats, and meeting with compliance requirements.

What is the role of Privileged Accounts?

Privileged accounts are accounts that have access to critical data and systems. These generally are default, non-restrictive administrative accounts. The statements may be owned by an internal or third party whom you employ for maintaining your IT infrastructure. Those who use these accounts may:

  • Install the software and operating systems
  • Change system configurations
  • Access secure data
  • Modify user accounts/permissions
  • Manage all of the devices used within the organization

Why Privileged User Monitoring?

You may think, “I have a monitored security system that warns me if something suspicious appears to be going on, so I have full faith in it?” Sadly No!

Because there is no perfect security solution, once if anyone became proficient in gaining access to your systems through stealing or hacking legitimate credentials, then simultaneously, nothing else will prove beneficial for you. Therefore, it is essential to record all the users ‘ work.

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For every user, at every moment of the day, it is almost unfeasible to be manually monitored.  Therefore, this is the reason why practicing a constant tool for privileged user monitoring by an organization should be brought into action.

Splunk- A Widely Accepted  Tool To Overcome This Problem

Therefore, to get rid of this problem, Splunk Enterprise Security (ES) offers built-in dashboards, reports, and alarm capabilities for quality control, intelligence, and protection of your environment against internal and external attackers.

Across security domains, to report on privileged user activity, Splunk ES also consists of built-in correlation searches. However, Splunk ES allows for the secure development of cor-relational searches by the directed mode and offers detailed insight for access and identity data models.


A snapshot of user data and a good starting point for monitoring privileged users are, therefore, provided by the Identity Center dashboard in ES. Moreover, this dashboard includes ID panels with a list of account names, types of transactions, divisions, and other related details. Besides, Splunk Cloud uses identity data to link user information to indexed events and provides detailed background.

Dashboard: Privileged User Monitoring

Two reports which reflect privileged user activity are included in Splunk Enterprise Security (ES). Such statements help to identify the current situation of the environment of privileged account usage, and here you can also build an interface to track all those users and reports conveniently.

  1. Privileged account usage over time- Let’s see the total number of events for privileged user accounts over time. The report describes how the user utilizes a standard privileged account and detects irregular or suspicious activities.
  2. Privileged accounts in use– Give you an idea about privileged accounts that are in use throughout the specified period and how often accounts are used for logging in. The report indicates statements that are hardly ever used and suddenly reveal explosions.
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The privileged operation of the user account can be conveniently seen in all recent reports by developing the Splunk Privileged User Monitoring dashboard.


Beyond doubt, Splunk Privileged User Monitoring is sprouting up as the best solution. The Identity Center and dashboards for privileged users of Splunk provide a brief overview of exempt user activities, endpoints, threat intelligence, application data, and correlation searches using privileged network and user accounts data, provide in-depth information to assess and act on growing threats, and establish healing activities.

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