In this blog, we gonna show you the top 10 most used and familiar Splunk queries. So let’s start.
- List of Login attempts of splunk local users
Follow the below query to find how can we get the list of login attempts by the Splunk local user using SPL.
index=_audit action="login attempt"
| stats count by user info action _time
| sort - info
2. License usage by index
index=_internal source=*license_usage.log type="Usage" splunk_server=*
| eval Date=strftime(_time, "%Y/%m/%d")
| eventstats sum(b) as volume by idx, Date
| eval MB=round(volume/1024/1024,5)
| timechart first(MB) AS volume by idx
3. List of Forwarders Installed
index="_internal" sourcetype=splunkd group=tcpin_connections NOT eventType=*
| eval Hostname=if(isnull(hostname), sourceHost,hostname),version=if(isnull(version),"pre 4.2",version),architecture=if(isnull(arch),"n/a",arch)
| stats count by Hostname version architecture
| sort + version
4. Splunk users search activity
index=_audit splunk_server=local action=search (id=* OR search_id=*)
| eval search_id = if(isnull(search_id), id, search_id)
| replace '*' with * in search_id
| rex "search='search\s(?<search>.*?)',\sautojoin"
| search search_id!=scheduler_*
| convert num(total_run_time)
| eval user = if(user="n/a", null(), user)
| stats min(_time) as _time first(user) as user max(total_run_time) as total_run_time first(search) as search by search_id
| search search!=*_internal* search!=*_audit*
| chart sum(total_run_time) as "Total search time" count as "Search count" max(_time) as "Last use" by user
| fieldformat "Last use" = strftime('Last use', "%F %T.%Q")
5. Search History
index=_audit action=search sourcetype=audittrail search_id=* NOT (user=splunk-system-user) search!="'typeahead*"
| rex "search\=\'(search|\s+)\s(?P<search>[\n\S\s]+?(?=\'))"
| rex field=search "sourcetype\s*=\s*\"*(?<SourcetypeUsed>[^\s\"]+)"
| rex field=search "index\s*=\s*\"*(?<IndexUsed>[^\s\"]+)"
| stats latest(_time) as Latest by user search SourcetypeUsed IndexUsed
| convert ctime(Latest)
6. Advanced query for saved searches information
index=_internal sourcetype=scheduler result_count
| extract pairdelim=",", kvdelim="=", auto=f
| stats avg(result_count) min(result_count) max(result_count), sparkline avg(run_time) min(run_time) max(run_time) sum(run_time) values(host) AS hosts count AS execution_count by savedsearch_name, app
| join savedsearch_name type=outer
[| rest /servicesNS/-/-/saved/searches
| fields title eai:acl.owner cron_schedule dispatch.earliest_time dispatch.latest_time search
| rename title AS savedsearch_name AS App eai:acl.owner AS Owner cron_schedule AS "Cron Schedule" dispatch.earliest_time AS "Dispatch Earliest Time" dispatch.latest_time AS "Dispatch Latest Time"]
| rename savedsearch_name AS "Saved Search Name" search AS "SPL Query" app AS App
| makemv delim="," values(host)
| sort - avg(run_time)
| table "Saved Search Name", App, Owner, "SPL Query" "Cron Schedule" hosts, execution_count, sparkline, *(result_count), sum(run_time) *(run_time)
7. Users detail information
Suggestions: “Metadata vs Metasearch“
| rest splunk_server=local /services/authentication/users | rename title as username | mvexpand roles | table realname, username, roles, email
| join type=outer roles [ rest splunk_server=local /services/authorization/roles | rename title as roles | eval ir=imported_roles | search srchIndexesAllowed=* | fields roles imported_roles ir srchIndexesAllowed srchIndexesDefault | mvexpand ir]
| foreach srchIndexesAllowed
[ eval srchIndexesAllowed=replace(<<FIELD>>,"^_\*$","[all internal indexes];")
| eval srchIndexesAllowed=replace(<<FIELD>>,"\*\s_\*","[all internal and non-internal indexes];")
| eval srchIndexesAllowed=replace(<<FIELD>>,"\*\s","[all non-internal indexes];")
| eval srchIndexesAllowed=replace(<<FIELD>>,"\*$","[all non-internal indexes];")
| foreach srchIndexesDefault
[ eval srchIndexesDefault=replace(<<FIELD>>,"_\*","[all internal indexes];")
| eval srchIndexesDefault=replace(<<FIELD>>,"\*\s_\*","[all internal and non-internal indexes];")
| eval srchIndexesDefault=replace(<<FIELD>>,"\*\s","[all non-internal indexes];")
| eval srchIndexesDefault=replace(<<FIELD>>,"\*$","[all non-internal indexes];")
| join type=outer ir
[ | rest splunk_server=local /services/authorization/roles | fields - imported_roles
| rename title as ir
| mvexpand srchIndexesAllowed
| eval inheritedAllowed=if(idxtype=="Invalid","",srchIndexesAllowed." (by ".ir.");")
| stats values(inheritedAllowed) as inheritedAllowed by ir ]
| fields - ir, splunk_server
| makemv allowempty=t inheritedAllowed delim=";"
| makemv allowempty=t srchIndexesAllowed delim=";"
| makemv allowempty=t srchIndexesDefault delim=";"
| rename srchIndexesDefault TO "Searched by default", srchIndexesAllowed TO "AllowedIndexes by Role", inheritedAllowed TO "AllowedIndexes by Inheritance", imported_roles TO "Inherited Roles"
8. All props and transforms information in detail
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/directory count=0 splunk_server=local | fields, eai:acl.owner, eai:acl.perms.*, eai:acl.sharing, title, eai:type, disabled
| foreach eai:*.*
[ rename "<<FIELD>>" TO <<MATCHSEG2>> ]
| foreach eai:*
[ rename "<<FIELD>>" TO <<MATCHSTR>> ]
| eval attribute=replace(title,"(.*:\s+)(.*)","\2")
| eval st=replace(title,"(.*)(\s+:.*)","\1")
| eval props_sourcetype=if(st==attribute,"",st)
| join type=outer attribute
[| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/props-extract count=0 splunk_server=local | fields attribute value stanza type | rename value TO props_value, stanza to props_stanza, type to props_type ]
| join type=outer attribute
[| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/transforms-extract count=0 splunk_server=local
| fields REGEX FORMAT disabled title FIELDS
| makemv delim="," FIELDS
| rename FIELDS to tf_fields, disabled to tf_disabled, REGEX to tf_regex, FORMAT to tf_format, title to attribute, to tf_app]
| fillnull disabled tf_disabled
| table disabled app type attribute props_type props_stanza props_value props_sourcetype tf_disabled tf_format tf_fields tf_regex sharing perms.* location owner | search (app="*" AND (sharing="*")) AND disabled=*
| rename attribute TO "Object Name"
9. Dashboards access information
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/data/ui/views splunk_server=*
| search isDashboard=1
| rename as app
| fields title app
| join type=left title
[| search index=_internal sourcetype=splunk_web_access host=* user=*
| rex field=uri_path ".*/(?<title>[^/]*)$"
| stats latest(_time) as Time latest(user) as user by title
| where isnotnull(Time)
| eval Now=now()
| eval "Days since last accessed"=round((Now-Time)/86400,2)
| sort - "Days since last accessed"
| convert ctime(Time)
| fields - Now
10. Bucket count by index
Follow the below query to find how can we get the count of buckets available for each and every index using SPL.
Suggestions: “dbinspect“
|dbinspect index=* | chart dc(bucketId) over splunk_server by index
Hope you enjoyed this blog “10 most used and familiar Splunk queries“, see you on the next one. Stay tune.
Happy Splunking!!