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How to Change Default Line Weight of Splunk Line Chart

In this blog, we will work on another small trick of the

So let’s get to the business end,

We have a dashboard named “Sample Line chart”, which consists of a line chart visualization.

Splunk dashboard customization technique. I.e. modifying line weight of Line chart in Splunk dashboard.

Here it comes with a default line weight, but what if the requirement of your customer is something different if they want it more weighted.

So we will click on “Edit” and “Source”.

And do the following modifications in the source code as shown below.

Add these following CSS in your query.

          g.highcharts-series-group path {
            stroke-width: 3 !important;

If you have multiple panels you can use panel ids to specify, based on your clients requirement you can increase or decrease the weight of the lines.

The complete source code is given below.

I hope you all have enjoyed this blog ” How to Change Default Line Weight of Splunk Line Chart “. See you all on to the next one.

Happy Splunking!!

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