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Base 10 to Base 36 Conversion In Splunk (Part-II)

In our previous blog of this series Base 10 to Base 36 Conversion In Splunk (Part-I)we had shown a way to implement the given stuff using SPL query. Today we will present another alternative way to do the task in hand by using an add-on “Convert Decimal number to any Base” from Splunk base.

The link is given below,


At first, we will log in to our instance using the credentials we have.

Then from the launcher page click on “Find More Apps

Then search with the add-on the name given below,

Convert Decimal number to any Base

And click on Install.

Enter your Splunk base credentials.

Click the checkbox to agree to all the terms and conditions and click on “Login and install

After installing the app restart your Splunk server and go to the search and reporting app.

Try this following query to do the required argument.

index="demo" sourcetype="orderNo" 
| table OrderNo,Owner
| base10convert OrderNo 36


How the add-on is working:

The add-on is basically creating a new command known as “base10convert”, as you know this is not a conventional regular command. Without installing this add-on you can not use this command. Here “base10convert” command will convert and decimal number(base 10) into any base.


….|base10convert <fieldName consisting decimal number> <base>

This is all about “Base 10 to Base 36 Conversion In Splunk (Part-II)

You can also know about :  Splunk Drilldown Tokens: $click.value2$ and $click.name2$ (Part-III)

Happy Splunking!!

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