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Mercedes-Benz Launches Connected Car API-Daimler Splunk’s Data

Mercedes-Benz is now providing its developer API and using Splunk for technology insights as well as for its Daimler partners. Simultaneously, for its developers, Mercedes-Benz has released its first API. “The linked vehicles” offer developers with some crucial information that includes the telematics data of virtual Mercedes-Benz to essential messaging, status details, and vehicle functionalities.

Developers now had access to monitor individual car data that distinguishes the current location of the car to the tire pressure level and the ability to open and shut car doors remotely. The High Mobility Simulator is currently working on the API. In the future, the company is planning to open the API to its entire vehicles.


Mercedes-Benz Z partners launched the Mercedes Benz challenge to its developers and are more likely to come up with a digital solution that provides a next-generation car. Therefore, with its APIs, engineering center, and virtual vehicle emulators, high mobility was a confident technical collaborator to win that challenge!

The Mercedes-Benz challenge granted developers an excellent opportunity to be the first to work with more than 80 APIs, which could be available to all third parties in the near future.

Consequently, with the collaboration of Splunk and API at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Mercedes-Benz premiered its brand new infotainment system in the guise of the Mercedes-Benz User Experience (MBUX).

Splunk:  Security Analytics

Splunk Inc. announced that the German automotive group- Daimler (maker of Mercedes-Benz brand), will replace its endowment SIEM with Splunk Enterprise Security (ES). For instance, to obtain safety expertise throughout the whole company, including business-critical areas such as cars and production lines, the company would now use Splunk ES as its nerve center for safety concerns.

You can also know about :  Creating a Correlation Search in Splunk ES

In its plan to buy the best quality options, Splunk became the preferred open-source option instead of creating in-house things; this is the reason why the company initiates to choose Splunk. In order to process further terabytes of data, the automotive Group will also use Splunk ES every day.


The team anticipates growing security analysis time from hours to seconds, utilizing visualizations to improve analysts ‘ ability to explore, challenge, and help identify vulnerabilities and respond more effectively to any potential business effect.

The company will schedule its security for the future by signing the Splunk Enterprise Adoption Agreement (EAA). Particularly, due to the flexibility of the Splunk platform, the Group expects to derive traditional uses cases of IT to ensure the future value of their cars.

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