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JIRA and Splunk Integration

JIRA is an IT Service Management Platform and one of the most common tools used in the industry today.

Recently we have been receiving a lot of requests of people asking for the integration of JIRA and Splunk , so here we are , your wait is over.

This post shows how to splunk  the JIRA Issues.

Step-1 :  On your JIRA Instance, navigate to – Your Profile and Settings >>Account settings >> Security , Locate API token and Click on “Create and Manage API tokens”.


Step-2 : Create an API token and copy the secret key for further use.

Step-3:  Download the “JIRA Issues Collector “ add-on.


Step-4:  On your Splunk Instance navigate to Manage Apps >> Install app from file, upload the add-on you just downloaded and restart splunk once the installation is complete.

Step-5: On the GUI of the add-on select the Configuration page and Click on the add button.

You will get a pop-up form as shown below.


Account name : Provide a unique name for account.

Username : Provide the username for JIRA access.

Password : Provide the Secret Key we created earlier in step 2.

Once done, click on the Add button to save your configuration.

Step 6 : Move to the Inputs page, click on Create New Input and select Jira Issues collector.

You will get a pop up form like shown below,


Name : Assign a name for this input.

Interval : Set the polling interval to JIRA Server.

Index : Select the index where you want to receive the events for this input.

Site URL : Provide the URL of your JIRA server, don’t include anything like http:// or https://.

Ex-  jirasplunkintegrationdemo.atlassian.net

JQL : Provide the issue update range, defaults to past 2 mins.

Fields: You can add or remove the fields that you want to ingest here.

Service Account: Select the service account for this input, in our case it’s demo_account.

Once done, click on the add button to save your settings.

Step 7: Search the index for the JIRA events.


Hurray!! You have successfully managed to integrate JIRA and Splunk.

You can also know about :  Jenkins And Splunk Integration

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Happy Splunking!!

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