How to remove Home Dashboard from Splunk
When we log in through our credential in Splunk we can see the dashboard in home page . We can set our daily monitoring dashboard as a home dashboard . So before removing a home dashboard you have to know that how to set a home dashboard.
How to set a Home Dashboard in Splunk
Open the dashboard menu. There you will find a list of all dashboards. Click on Edit of the dashboard which you want to set as a home dashboard. Then select Set as Home Dashboard.
Now when you will login next time in Splunk then you will find the selected dashboard as a home dashboard.
How to remove home dashboard from Splunk
Step 1:
You have to open Command Prompt/ternminal of your system. Then you have to modify user-prefs.conf in your $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/users/<username>/user-prefs/local directory.
# cd $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/users/admin/user-prefs/local
Here admin is the user name.
Step 2:
Now you have to modify user-prefs.conf file.
# vi user-prefs.conf
[ Remove attribute line from the file ]
Remove this above mentioned line from the file. Restart Splunk server.
# $SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk restart
Step 2:
Now you can see home dashboard has been removed from Splunk.
Hope this has helped you in achieving the below requirement without fail:
How to remove Home Dashboard from Splunk
Happy Splunking !!