What is Splunk DSP| Process of Navigation
The Splunk DSP stands for Data Stream Processor, which is a data stream processing service that processes data in real-time and sends that data to the user’s preferred destination.
During the stage of processing, the Splunk DSP lets you complete the intricate transformations as well as troubleshooting on your data before indexing that data. For doing some special tasks, you can use the Data Stream Processor, such as:
- Manipulation of data in real-time to organize the data and elimination before indexing of redundant or sensitive information
- Optimize the system performance by only indexing the correct data
- Before indexing, monitor your data in real-time to detect certain conditions or patterns
Splunk DSP (Data Stream Processor) is a dynamic stream processing system aimed at ensuring the availability of high-velocity & high-volume data across the business. DSP captures, packages and organizes high-speed, high volume data based on defined terminology, hides sensitive and personal data, identifies suspicious data anomalies, and then sends out information in milliseconds to Splunk or other locations.
DSP is a full stream processing solution based on the Splunk framework to support the entire portfolio of IT, health, IoT and business analysis items, as opposed to separate stream processing solutions which do not rely on the Splunk platform or gradually solutions that lack total stream processing capability.
DSP is an extensible approach that can be extended outside Splunk for systems such as Apache Kafka.
Navigating the Stream Data Processor
- Home- The first option of Home represents the Data Stream Processor homepage.
- Build Pipeline- This option lets you create a new pipeline by merely deciding on either a pre-configured template or a source function to read data from.
- Data Management- This step allows you to navigate all pipelines list, connections, and templates in the tenant.
- User Management- The option to manage admins and users in your tenant.
- Pipeline name- It will be representing the name of your pipeline.
- Pipeline state- It will be representing your pipeline state.
- Pipeline canvas- As you can see, black background under the ‘hello pipeline’, is your pipeline’s canvas view.
- Save- At this button, you can save your pipeline.
- Activate Pipeline- This option permits you to activate your pipeline.
- Other options- On the right side at the top of the screen, you’ll be seeing three dots from where you get access to additional options for your pipeline. From here, you can update your pipeline metadata, revert your pipeline to a previous version, save your pipe with a different name, delete your pipeline, and deactivate the active version of your pipeline.
- Validate- By clicking on this option, you can see the configuration of functions correctly.
- Start Preview- If you want to preview the data, then click on this option. Here, you see the monitoring of your pipeline with data preview.
- Function- These are the pipeline’s basic building blocks.
- Add a function- If you want to add an additional service to your pipeline, then this function allows you to do
- Function metrics- Display the events in and out of your function. You can use these metrics to rapidly scan if your records are making it through your pipeline or to check the performance of your pipeline.
- View Configurations- It is the configuration panel of your function.
- Preview Results- View the sample events that are sent at each function.
Improve compliance & data privacy, boost operational efficiency and reap continuous and real-time insights with Splunk DSP (Data Stream Processor). The stated instructions will make it easy for you to understand how to use it.