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How to Change the Existing Password in Splunk

Password is the most essential thing in Splunk. Every time when we login into the Splunk we have to use our credentials. Suppose for the security purpose we want to change our existing password.

Change the Password of Admin user

If you are administrator of the splunk server then you can change the existing password very easily.

There are two ways to change the password.

Step 1: Change the Password from the GUI

Below we have given the navigation.

Administrator > Account Settings




 Then you have to change your existing password in the Account Settings. Here you have to give the existing password and have to give the new password and confirm the new password. After filling all the required fields click on Save button. In this way new password will be set.

Step 2: Change the Password from the CLI

You have to open the command prompt of your system and run the following command.

For Linux

#cd $SPLUNK_HOME/splunk/bin
# ./splunk edit user <username> -password <new_password>
     -auth admin:<existing_password_of_admin>

For Windows

# cd $SPLUNK_HOME\Splunk\bin
# splunk edit user <username> -password <new_password>
-auth admin:<existing_password_of_admin>


Here “C:\Program Files” is the SPLUNK_HOME and we want to change the password of admin so user name will be admin, then give the new password which we want to set. At last we have given the admin user name and the existing password of the admin user.


Change the Password of Normal Users by Themselves

If you are a normal user of the splunk then you can change your existing password very easily.

There are two ways to change the password:

Step 1: Change the password from the GUI

At first you have to login in the splunk sever by normal user’s credential.

Below we have given the navigation.

UserName > Account Settings



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Then you have to change your existing password in the Account Settings. Here you have to give the existing password and have to give the new password and confirm the new password. After filling all the required fields click on Save button. In this way new password will be set.


Step 2: Change the Password from the CLI

You have to open the command prompt of your system and run the following command.

For Linux

#cd $SPLUNK_HOME/splunk/bin
# ./splunk edit user <username> -password <new_password> -auth <username>:<existing_password_of_user>
#cd $SPLUNK_HOME/splunk/bin
# ./splunk edit user <username> -password <new_password>

For Windows

# cd $SPLUNK_HOME\Splunk\bin
# splunk edit user <username> -password <new_password> -auth <username>: <existing_password_of_user>
# cd $SPLUNK_HOME\Splunk\bin
# splunk edit user <username> -password <new_password>




Here C:\Program Files is the SPLUNK_HOME and we want to change the password of normal user so user name will be one existing user “abhay”, then give the new password which we want to set. At last we have given the user name for which you want to set the password and the existing password of that particular user.


Here C:\Program Files is the SPLUNK_HOME and we want to change the password of normal user so user name will be one existing user “abhay”, then give the new password which we want to set.


Change the Password of Normal Users by Admin User

We can change the normal user’s password from the admin account also.

There are two ways to change the password:

Step 1: Change the Password from the GUI

You have to login from the administrator account.

Below we have given the navigation.

Settings > Access controls > Users > <user_name>



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Here “abhay” is an existing user name for which we want to change the password.


Here “abhay” is an existing user . We have to set new password and confirm the new password . After filling up all the fields click on Save button. In this way new password for the “abhay” user will be set.


Step 2: Change the password from the CLI

You have to open the command prompt of your system and run the following command.

For Linux

#cd $SPLUNK_HOME/splunk/bin
# ./splunk edit user <username> -password <new_password>

For Windows

# cd $SPLUNK_HOME\Splunk\bin
# splunk edit user <username> -password <new_password>



Here C:\Program Files is the SPLUNK_HOME and we want to change the password of normal user so user name will be one existing user “abhay”, then give the new password which we want to set.


Hope this has helped you in achieving the below requirement without fail:

How to Change the Existing Password in Splunk


Happy Splunking !!



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