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How to Add Submit Input option to Splunk Dashboard

The main purpose of adding inputs in Splunk dashboard is to make dashboards dynamic. There are few easy steps to add submit input option to Splunk dashboard. Suppose there are other input options already present in your dashboard. You can make that input options dependent upon the submit button.

Step 1:

Open a dashboard which you want to make dynamic. You can see the Edit option on top right corner of the dashboard. Click on the Edit option. In the dashboard already one input Time is present.

submit1Step 2:

After clicking Edit option you can see Add Input option in the dashboard, click on that. Then click on Submit.


Step 3:

Now you have to edit the Submit option from the Source of the dashboard. You can see Source option on the top left corner of dashboard . Click on Source.


Step 4:

Now you have to edit the source code of the dashboard.  You have to edit two line  as follows.

 <input type=”time” token=”time_token” searchWhenChanged=”false”>

You have to write searchWhenChanged=”false” in the input tag.

If you have multiple input options in the dashboard you have to modify the input tag as searchWhenChanged=”false” every where to make dependent that input option upon submit button . After making changes in the dashboard click on Save button to save all the changes and refresh the dashboard tab once.



 Step 5:

Finally Submit Input option is added in the dashboard. If you select any time from the Time input option nothing will be changed in panel until and unless you click the Submit button. You have to click the Submit button every time after giving other input options. Click Submit button to populate dashboard panel.


Hope this has helped you in achieving the below requirement without fail:

How to Add Submit Input option to Splunk Dashboard


You can also know about :  How to Add Checkbox Input option to Splunk Dashboard

Happy Splunking !!

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