Difference between User and Power User in Splunk
Like other Enterprise tools in the industry, Splunk also gives us the flexibility for the access control that means you can create user and set their password. In Splunk, basically all the permissions are given based on roles. Users are assigned to one or more roles. Roles contain certain set of permissions / capabilities.
Capability specifies what actions ( such as creating or deleting reports , dashboards , macros etc ) can be performed in the Splunk Enterprise. By default in Splunk Enterprise there are some predefined roles available.
To know more about users and roles click here : Splunk Users and Roles
We have seen a common questions from most of the employees that “What is the difference between user and power user ” OR “what are all things power users can do?“
So, today we will discuss about the difference between user and power user in Splunk. Before going to the comparison we will briefly discuss about these two roles.
power – This role has the capability to edit all the shared objects (reports, macros etc) alerts, tags, event types and other similar tasks, the number of capabilities is greater than the role user but less than the role admin.
user – This role is limited to create and edit its own objects, set its own preferences, run searches, create and edit event types, and other similar tasks.
So we have created a table to know the difference very easily.
Power User (power) |
User (user) |
Report acceleration summaries
Power user has access to view the report acceleration summaries
User has no access to view the report acceleration summaries
Power user can create alert
User can’t create alert
Power user can search data from any index
Without permission user can’t search index
Share Report
Power user can set permission for sharing a report
User can’t set permission for sharing a report
Schedule Report
Power user can set schedule for report
User can’t set schedule for report
Accelerate report
Power user can accelerate a report
User can’t accelerate a report
Power user can edit all shared objects and alerts, tag events, and other similar tasks
User can create and edit its own saved searches, run searches, can edit own preferences
Event types
Power user can create and set sharing permission for event types
User can create but can’t set sharing permission for event types
Power user can create and set sharing permission for tags
User can create but can’t set sharing permission for tags
Field alias
Power user can create and set sharing permission for field alias
User can create but can’t set sharing permission for field alias
Calculated fields
Power user can create and set sharing permission for calculated fields
User can create but can’t set sharing permission for calculated fields
Field extraction
Power user can create and set sharing permission for field extraction
User can create but can’t set sharing permission for field extraction
Field transformation
Power user can create and set sharing permission for field extraction field transformation
User can create but can’t set sharing permission for field transformation
Lookup table files
Power user can create and set sharing permission for field extraction lookup table files
User can create but can’t set sharing permission for lookup table files
Lookup definition
Power user can create and set sharing permission for field extraction lookup definition
User can create but can’t set sharing permission for lookup definition
Automatic lookup
Power user can create and set sharing permission for field extraction automatic lookup
User can create but can’t set sharing permission for automatic lookup
Power user can create and set sharing permission for field extraction macros
User can create but can’t set sharing permission for macros
Hope you have understood the difference between user and power user in Splunk.
Happy Splunking !!!