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Configuring Splunk Mobile App in Android ( Part – I )

Splunk Mobile  is a mobile application used for visualizing dashboards and alerts from a smart phone. Using this mobile application you can see all of your dashboards from your smart phone itself, you can also share any dashboard visualization using your phone. You don’t need to open your PC or Laptop every time to look the dashboards or reports. Also whenever an alert will trigger you will receive a notification in your smart phone and not just that you can take a look into that alert also using this Splunk mobile app.

It can be used in both android and ios.
Prerequisites to use Splunk mobile app:-
Install “Splunk Cloud Gateway” in your Search Head from Splunkbase:

Step 1:
Download Splunk Cloud Gateway using the following link in your search head.


Step 2:
Now log on to your Splunk instance using your credentials.

Go to search and reporting app by clicking from the app dropdown in the top and click manage apps.

Then click onInstall app from file.

It will open an “upload file” dialog box, choose the recently downloaded file from Splunk base and click on Upload.

This how “Splunk Cloud Gatewayapp can be installed.

Configure the permissions for Splunk Cloud Gateway: 

Step 1:
Go to Settings and then Users. ( for older version of Splunk you can find the option under : Settings >> Access Control >> Users )

Then choose that user only for which you want to enable this permission, In our case we are choosing admin.

Then in “edit user” dialog box choose “cloudgatewayrole from the available item box and Save it.


Register your android device with Splunk:

Step 1:
Now go to your android smart phone and open “play store” and search for the “Splunk mobile” or click this link below and download the below app.

You can also know about :  O365 Integration With Splunk

Step 2:

After installing the app open it. Then click on Sign In and that will open a page with a registration code as shown in the below figure.

Step 3:
Now go to your Splunk web and open the Splunk Cloud gateway app. Then go to the configure tab.

Scroll down and enable the Splunk mobile application by clicking on Enable.


Step 4:
Now go to the Register tab of “Splunk Cloud gateway” application.
And enter the activation code provided by your “Splunk mobile” app( Step 2 ).
Enter the name of your android device also.
And finally, click on Register.12
Then it will open a confirmation dialog box with a code, and check that code from your smart phone as shown in Step 2 (code is in a green-colored box in step 2).
After that confirmation, enters the username and password of your Splunk instance and continue.13
As shown you click on the continue button you will see the following changes in your “Splunk Mobile” app.
Click below as shown.14
This how you can register our device with Splunk.
Within the app “Splunk Mobile”, you will find these two pages “dashboards” and “alerts”. In the dashboard section, you will find all the dashboards based on apps and you will find alerts based on their status. You can click any of the views to see them.15
Here we have provided some of the snapshots app dashboards and alerts from Splunk mobile app.16
It’s beautiful right!
I hope you have understood this “Configuring Splunk Mobile App in Android ( Part I )”.If you want to know that how we can send alert to our smart phone then click here.

Happy Splunking!!

You can also know about :  Splunk integration with AWS s3
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