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How to Hide “Open in Search” , “Export” , “Inspect” and “Refresh” Options from the Dashboard Panels in Splunk 

When we create a dashboard , it generates a simple/basic XML in the background and in each panel you will find 4 options at the bottom right.

  1. Open in Search
  2. Export
  3. Inspect
  4. Refresh

Now we will show you how to hide these options.

There are two way to do this thing.

Process 1:

You have to edit the source code of that panel. You have add one line in the source code of that panel .We have given below the line what you have to add in the source code.

<option name=”link.visible”>false</option>


Here in the above screen shot you can see the 4 options at bottom right corner of the panel.




We have added one line with the existing source code that is <option name=”link.visible”>false</option>.

After editing the source code click on the Save button.


Now you can see all those options are disabled from the dashboard panel.


Process 2:

We can also disable these options selectively. Below we have given the options for disabling the options selectevily.

  • For hiding Open in Search option

<option name=”link.openSearch.visible”>false</option>

  • For hiding Export option

<option name=”link.exportResults.visible”>false</option>

  • For hiding Inspect option

<option name=”link.inspectSearch.visible”>false</option>

  • For hiding Refresh option

<option name=”refresh.link.visible”>false</option>

If any dashboard is created from the pivot or using datamodel then there will be a option called Pivot.

  • For hiding the Pivot option

<option name=”link.openPivot.visible”>false</option>

Example :

How to hide the “Open in Search” option

You have to edit the source code of that panel. You have add one line in the source code of that panel .We have given below the line what you have to add in the source code.

<option name=”link.openSearch.visible”>false</option>


In the above screen shot you can see all the options are showing.



We have added one line with the existing source code that is <option name=”link.openSearch.visible”>false</option>.

After editing the source code click on the Save button.


Now you can see only the “Open in Search” option is  disabled from the dashboard panel.


You can also know about :  How To View Search History In Splunk

Hope this has helped you in achieving the below requirement without fail :

How to Hide “Open in Search” , “Export” , “Inspect” and “Refresh” Options from the Dashboard Panels in Splunk 


Happy Splunking !!

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