require([ "splunkjs/mvc", "splunkjs/mvc/simplexml/ready!" ], function ( mvc ) { var tokens = mvc.Components.get("submitted"); //Get Single Value by id=singleValueWithMouseover set in SimpleXML mvc.Components.get('singleValueWithMouseover').getVisualization(function (singleView) { singleView.on('rendered', function () { //On mouseover() event unset the show token for the Tooltip to hide the same. $(document).on("mouseover", "#singleValueWithMouseover div#singlevalue.single-value svg", function () { tokens.set("tokShowSingleValueToolTip", "true"); }); //On mouseout() event unset the show token for the Tooltip to hide the same. $(document).on("mouseout", "#singleValueWithMouseover div#singlevalue.single-value svg", function () { tokens.unset("tokShowSingleValueToolTip"); }); }); }); });