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How To Find The Jobs Information In Splunk

Hello Everyone!!

All you know that whatever  search , report and alerts are run by  Splunk server, we can easily find it from Activity navigation menu. You can find Activity option on the top ride side of any splunk app. Follow the below steps to see the Jobs :

Step 1:

Follow the below navigation to see all jobs. At first click on Activity and then click on Jobs.

Activity >> Jobs

See we are getting a list of jobs.

Step 2:

Run the below command to see the jobs information.

| rest /services/search/jobs
| table label,search,resultCount,runDuration,diskUsage,dispatchState, author,eai:acl.app,eventCount

See below we are  getting the information about the jobs. Like query, resultCount also runDuration, diskUsage etc. Where label is null then that is the normal query run by any user. See also we are getting the result of saved searches(  indicated in green color boxes ) .

Hope this has helped you in achieving the below requirement without fail !!

How To Find The Jobs Information In Splunk

Happy Splunking !!

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