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How to Embed Image in Splunk Dashboard 

Adding an image in Splunk Dashboard is much easier than anything else !! 🙂

Below steps are as follows which will clearly explain how to add images in Splunk Dashboard :

Step 1:
Download an image and put the image file in the following path:


Then restart Splunk.
$SPLUNK_HOME/bin/splunk restart

Step 2:
Open an existing dashboard where you want to add an image. Here we have opened a sample dashboard called Image Embed Dashboard . You can see Edit option on the top right corner of the dashboard. Click on Edit.


Step 3:
After clicking Edit you can see Source option on the top left corner of the dashboard . Click on Source.


Step 4:
Here we have added a panel in the source code. In the panel we have written simple html code. Inside the html code we have added one img tag for adding the image. We have given the path of the image in src attribute. We have to write like this.
src= “/static/app/search/Google_Logo.png”

Here search is the application name and Google_Logo.png is  image file name. After making changes in the dashboard click on Save to save all the changes.



You can also download the source code of this sample dashboard from below button.


Step 5:
Finally image has been added in Splunk Dashboard.


Hope this has helped you in achieving the below requirement without fail:

How to Embed Image in Splunk Dashboard


You can also know about :  Splunk Dashboard Child Elements: Eval

Happy Splunking !!

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  1. This worked great for the dashboard. How about getting it exported to PDF?
    Spits out “Argument must be bytes or unicode, got ‘cython_function_or_method’” where the image would be.


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