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Disable Data Values in Line Chart

In our previous blog, we have discussed the “Baseline” in the Splunk dashboard.

Now if we add “show data value”, in the line chart visualization then it will be applicable for all the lines including that baseline in that Splunk dashboard. Then visualization can be very messy.

So today we will try to hide “data values” in selected lines based on our requirements.

Here we have used this dashboard for the demonstration.

As we can see that in the baseline also it is showing data, now we will hide data values from the baseline.

Now go to the dashboard and click on Edit and click on Source and paste the following code as shown below in your dashboard.

    <panel depends="$PlsHidemee4$">
        visibility:hidden !important;

Now save the dashboard and see the changes.

Therefore as you can see that data values are hidden from the baseline in the above line chart.

I hope you all have enjoyed this blog “Disable Data Values in Line Chart”.

Happy Splunking!!

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